Designer Choice Mixed Valentines Bouquets starting at $59.95


SKU: vday-choice Category:



Here are some of the arrangements we can make:   (Please call us at 515-276-4600 to order arrangements starting at $59.95)  IF YOU WANT A SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENT CALL US!!!   515-276-4600

My Sweet Bouquet by Teleflora Bouquet

My Sweet Bouquet $59.95


Teleflora's Radiantly Rouge Bouquet Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet Rainbow of Pinkish Flowers $89.95

Radiantly Rouge – $79.95

Teleflora's Ooh La Ombre Bouquet Bouquet

Cubed Love $ 59.95


Teleflora's Playfully Pink Bouquet Bouquet

Playfully Pink $69.95


Carnations and Daisies $59.95
Trio of Roses @59.95 w/ chocolates
Hersheys Kiss with Red Roses and Carnations $89.95
High Five Red Roses and White Dendrobium Orchids $69.95
Mixed Seasonal $59.95

Heart and Soul Bouquet

Heart and Soul  149.95 This arrangement needs to be ordered by 2/12/20.

Mixed Seasonal $59.95
Sweetheart $79.95



Puppy Love
$75 Puppy Love





$79.95 She Loves Red
$59.95 Early Love Bouquet
$89.95 Pink Princess Bouquet

Additional information


Mistress, FWB, Crush, 1st Date, Engaged, Partner, Wife