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5 Ways To Keep Flowers Fresh

Once you’ve got your cut flowers and vase at the ready, here are five ways to make your flowers last as long as possible – you’ll be surprised how long the arrangement stays fresh!

1. Vodka

Vodka inhibits bacteria growth so a few drops would help keep the water clean for fresh flowers, advises plant expert Jane Earthy.

2. Lemonade

The sugar in the lemonade nourishes the plants and will make the blossoms last longer, says horticultural expert Peter Burks.

If you have a clear vase and want the water to remain clear, use a clear lemonade like Sprite or 7Up. A teaspoon of sugar works just as well, advises Jane Earthy.

3. Pennies

The copper in pennies works as an acidifier and inhibits bacteria, explains Jane Earthy.

Putting a copper coin in the bottom of a vase can help your tulips stand strong, rather than drooping around the vase, confirms plant expert Katie Gilbert.

4. Boiling hot water

Yes, really! You can help roses and hydrangeas last longer by cutting the stem at an angle and then pouring boiling water over the fresh cut ends, before putting into the vase, says horticulturalist Nikki Hollier.

5. Aspirin

Put a crushed aspirin in the water before adding your flowers to keep them looking fresh and perky.